February 10, 2022

AdapTable Rx is proof if needed that AdapTable is the leading global innovator in this space, breaking new ground with this major new release.

The release focuses on enabling greater collaboration more easily, enhanced notifications and alerts to facilitate effective data management and team working, and enhancements to the User Interface options to increase flexibility and customisation .

Key new features include:

  • Observable Alerts – to “watch” your data and trigger a notification based on those observations – for example when data has changed a number of times, or hit a certain point.  The queries are limited only by users’ imagination.
  • Team Sharing – allowing users – with a single click – to share the objects they create in AdapTable like Layouts, Conditional Styles, Reports, Charts, Queries etc. with their colleagues; and the new ‘Live Sharing’ feature ensures any changes that anyone makes to one of these objects is immediately available to the whole team
  • FDC3 Instrument Columns – enable columns with instrument information like tickers or cusips to be broadcast as FDC3 messages; those who watched our recent joint webinar with OpenFin saw how these can be extendable across multiple widgets
  • Audit Log – AdapTable 9 makes it easier than ever to have full oversight of all activity in your grid, so you can see at a glance who did what or changed what and when.  Full, comprehensive, audit capability – straight out of the box
  • Report Enhancements – allow data to be exported from AdapTable to custom destinations that you provide (together with forms that you can define), while the new Scheduling module enables you to set exports to be run automatically at the days and times you require.
  • New Toast Notifications – configurable, intuitive and very powerful
  • Flashing Alerts – flash when cells or rows change based on rules you provide
  • Aggregation Alerts – allow AdapTable to be configured to watch groups of rows and trigger when their sum reaches a given level; perfect for Limits Management
  • Updates to Format Column module – to allow users to format and configure columns, and provide specialised Gradient and Percent bar styles
  • New Wizards – make it easier to create layouts, reports, alerts, schedules, searches and all the other goodies AdapTable offers quicker and more intuitively than before
  • Cell Editors – enable swift and accurate data entry for numeric and date columns trivial, with fat finger safeguards to assure data accuracy
  • Read Only Cells –  can be specified and styled, to ensure that users only edit valid data
  • A new, configurable, Date Picker – makes selecting key dates easy
  • Action Columns – have been significantly improved to provide powerful custom functionality
  • and Weighted Average Aggregations – are now available out of the box available both in table and pivot view

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